
July 10, 1987 a new company was created to provide repair service to the local jewelers in Ohio. This new repair service company originally was in the back of a jewelry store and only did their work. After several years, Val and Mike decided to partner together and make the repair shop it's own company. Over the years, more jewelry stores from all over the USA started sending their work to Val Casting. The below pictures are from the early days of the company with a young Val and Mike.


We started out doing normal repairs (sizing, soldering, etc) and a small amount of casting. Until the last 90's, all repairs were done using a torch. The first laser machine was bought to help with the more difficult repairs and we were able to repair some glasses. Repair work continued to grow as we expanded our skills. Then around 2016, the second laser machine was purchased. Most of our employees are crossed trained to do multiple jobs in order to serve our customers better and because they want to learn the different aspects of the shop work.

In the late 90's through the early 2000's, we did approximately 5 to 10 custom jobs a month with all the waxes carved by hand. In 2000, the first CAD/CAM was purchased and able to cut on 2 axis. During this time the custom department began to grow and two wax carvers were hired to meet the demand. Around 2005, the second CAD/CAM was purchased and was able to cut on 3 axis. The growth of the custom department continued to grow and we had to hire one wax carver and two CAD designers. Our first 3D printer (Aureus) was purchased around 2010 and the second 3D printer was purchased in 2017. Today, we have two CAD designers and one hand carver to meet the needs of our customers.

Jewelry Trade Shows

Attending trade shows helped this new company to grow and sell jewelry from their in house line. The below pictures are from the early 90's.

As time progressed, the line changed with the fashion trends. Going from the new laser-cut gemstones of the late 80's - early 90's to more modern day facet cut gemstones. The picture below is from the Columbus show around 2007.

The Val Line is still going strong and changing to stay current with today's markets. We recently changed how the jewelry is display to reflect how it would be displayed in stores. The below pictures are from the last couple of years from different trade shows.